The state of Arizona receives visitors either as tourists or migrants from all parts of the United States and the world over yearly. From the grand canyon to affordable apartments to available jobs and then sunny weather, to mention but a few, Arizona is home to everyone. Nevertheless, before entertaining the thought of “I want to relocate and start over,” you must know what to look for when moving to a new city before moving to Arizona.
Whether you desire to relocate to Arizona and start over or you are curious about what living in Arizona feels like, you are in the right place. The following are 4 things about Arizona you need to consider if you’re looking out for things to look for when moving to a new city before moving to Arizona. But first, we will talk about how to research a city before moving, giving you general tips regarding what statistics you should keep an eye out for before moving to Arizona or any other city in the world.
How to research a city before moving
Join forums
There are several online forums for people who live in a particular area, or who relocated to live in a different country or state. You can easily join one of these forums on Facebook or local websites to ask questions anout living in Arizona and join the conversation.
Go online
Using a imple method like hashtags on Instagram, for example, you can get a feel of the city, its trends, and what is popular.
Ask questions
Do you have friends or family who have relocated to live in a different country or state you wish to relocate to? If yes, then asking them a few important questions to get an insider’s perspective is one step in the process of moving to a new state that you do not want to miss.
Consider the cost of living in relation to the standard of living
Of all the things to consider when moving to a new city, comparing the cost of living in relation to the standard of living is one of the most important. This is crucial because it is important to know what the average hourly rate for a person wih your skills is, for example, in comparison to how much you will be required to pay monthly on a house or an apartment. It is also a good idea to investigate their tax laws to see if they are favorable to you.
What are the crime statistics?
Peace is crucial for an individual and society to thrive, therefore, one of the most important things to consider when moving to a new city is the crime rate and statistics (as they apply to each area). You can acquire this information either by reading the FBI crime statistics online, staying abreast with the local news, or by reading local newspapers.
Will you be able to get a good (or better) house?
This also has to do with the standard of living in the city. Talk with a real estate agent to get the average cost of rent or the median cost of homes in the area. If you are considering moving to Arizona, then talking to Tammy Gazda is a good start.
This is the final part of decideing you want to relocate and start over: you should visit the city you intend to relocate to. We advise you to do this because nothing beats having a fisrt-hand experience, and visiting gives you a chance to see and explore what to look for when moving to a new city.
Things to look out for when moving to Arizona
The Unemployment Rate
You must take a critical look at the employment opportunities available, before moving to Arizona. Arizona became a state in the year 1912. This is a long time ago! Ever since it was founded, it had attracted different kinds of businesses. Businesses like Apple, Lyft, Uber, PetSmart, Circle K, U-Haul, University of Arizona, and the prestigious Arizona State University, to mention but a few, are some of the employers you’ll find in Arizona.
You should know that, Arizona, since, it was founded has come to become a state with a low unemployment rate. As of November 2021, the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics puts the unemployment rate at 4.7%.
2. The Standard of living in Arizona
The cost of living is a very important investigation to make before relocating to a different county or state. This is true for Arizona as well as for other states the world over.
There is no fixed cost of living in the cities of Arizona. The cost of living differs from city to city. However, in comparison to the city of California, which has an average cost of living at averagely 176.2 (minus taxes), Arizona’s cost of living is set at averagely 108.7, excluding taxes. The average Arizona income is $59,000, and the median cost for a home is just over $300, 000.
3. The weather
The weather condition of where you lived for most of your life could inform your choice when you intend to move into a new state. If you have lived in a cold city, moving into one that is hot may require some tough adjustment.
The weather of Arizona is nice if you are used to some heat. The climate in Arizona is sunny most of the year. Summer in Arizona can be fierce as opposed to mild winter. However, Arizona is not always hot, the air is usually cool and fresh, especially at springtime.
4. The Traffic Situation in Arizona
The nature of traffic in any state or city has a lot of implications for the economic and financial condition of its inhabitants.
The traffic in Arizona can be challenging. At such times, the road can become almost impossible. This is in no way because of the deplorable transportation system in the state. The road network is just fine! The influx of tourists and migrants to Arizona is one of the reasons for this.
Additionally, congestion of the road network is not always the case.
5. Its Proximity to the Other States
The proximity of a state to others is worthy of consideration when looking at a place to relocate to. The advantage of living in a city that shares boundaries with important states is that you will be able to travel to those places quicker and cheaper.
Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico are the neighboring states of Arizona. Several Arizonians visit these states or even work in them while living in Arizona.
These are the most important things to consider when moving to a new city, state, or country. Researching all of the above will help you prepare better.
Are you thinking of relocating to Arizona soon? Tammy is your best bet. Reach out to her today at (480)-848-7173.